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President Bush signs the Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2005 into law
-  January 10, 2006 - 

It was a great and historic day as President Bush signed the Trafficking Victims Protection  Reauthorization Act of 2005 into law. The signing ceremony at the White House was attended
by Secretary of State Condolezza Rice, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, Senator Sam Brownback and U.S.Representatives Carolyn Maloney, Deborah
Pryce, and Chris Smith along with representatives of HHS and trafficking activists from around the country.

For more info see: www.whitehouse.gov

                           Article Washington Post

An important person doing research on human trafficking is
Donna M. Hughes, Ph.D. 
Professor & Women's Studies Program, University of Rhode Island

She is frequently consulted by governments and non-governmental organizations on policy related to women's human rights, particularly on trafficking of women and girls for sexual exploitation.

To read her articles please see this link:


Baltic girls forced into sex slavery 
- November 2005 -

By Martha Bucklez, BBC News

Five Albanian pimps have been convicted of sex trafficking offences after a trial at Southwark Crown Court. The inquiry was triggered by an investigation into the trade by the BBC's Six O'Clock News.

Read the entire article:


The Highways of Violence - July 2004 -

Trafficking in Women: Slavery at the Dawn of the 21st Century

By Yovo NIKOLOV (Capital, Bulgaria)

To read the entire article click here netnovinar.org


Young girls fall victim to human traffic in Moldova - April 2004 -

By Kyodo News reporting team, Japan Economic Newswire: April 30, 2004

The following report on Human traffic in the Republic of Moldova was contributed to Kyodo News by Agnes Chan, the Singer and Japan Unicef Ambassador, who visited Moldova in mid-April.

To read the entire article click here Article

CWA Laments Dramatic Increase in Sexual Trafficking – Dec 2003 -

WASHINGTON, June 12 /U.S. Newswire/ - Secretary of State Colin Powell released the 2003 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report Wednesday. "The third time's a charm. After two inadequate and flawed annual reports, the Trafficking in Persons office has finally released a credible report about the extent of the sex trafficking industry," said Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse, CWA's expert on the sex trafficking issue. "And they've responded to our objection to policies that have failed to protect women and children and thus increased sex slavery."

To read the entire article please click here Article

Balkan Crisis Report: Trading in Misery 
 - Sept 2003 -

Tens of thousands of Eastern European women are falling victim to the Balkan sex trade.

By IWPR's Balkan reporting team 

(BCR No 460, 15-Sep-03)

To read the entire article click here IWPR Homepage

U.N. urges more action against child trafficking and prostitution

GENEVA - AP World News: Bewailing the stolen lives and shattered dreams of the very young, the United Nations on Thursday appealed for more concerted global action to stamp out child labor, trafficking and prostitution.

To read the entire article click here Article

On the Rollout of the 2003 Trafficking in Persons Annual Report

Secretary Colin L. Powell

Released by the Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
June 11, 2003

Please click here to read the Interview

On-the-Record Briefing: On the Rollout of the June 2003 Trafficking in Persons Annual Report

John Miller, Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
Released by the Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
June 11, 2003

Please click here to read the Briefing

Nyet to Trafficking: Russians show political will to fight prostitution 

By Donna M. Hughes           

For the last two years, Russia has received a failing grade from the U.S. State Department for its efforts to combat human trafficking. That's the grade it deserved, because each year, thousands of women and girls are trafficked for prostitution in Russia. The total number over the past decade is estimated to be over half a million. Organized-crime groups run the trafficking networks that have sold Russian women and girls into prostitution in over 50 countries around the world, including the U.S. Any effort to combat this modern-day slave trade has been crippled by the fact that Russia does not have a law against the trafficking of persons. Fortunately, that may soon change.

To read the entire article click here Article 

Russia-Irkutsk: Criminals exploit flows of people
Russian Regional Report
(Vol. 8, No. 9, 13 May 2003)

Human Trafficking Criminals exploit flows onto, out of Irkutsk
By Anna Repetskaya, head of the TraCCC office in Irkutsk

Human trafficking is sadly widespread in the world because it is a highly profitable and relatively risk-free form of criminal activity.
The difficult social and economic conditions in a variety of countries, limiting the prospects for a successful life, facilitate its development.

To read the entire report click here Report


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